My CCRM IVF Journey

Our successful journey through IVF #2 at one of the world's top fertility clinics

Archive for September 30th, 2010

Slowing Down the Stimming

Posted by auntiem10 on September 30, 2010

We just got the call a little while ago–tonight I’m reducing the dosage of Follistim to 75 units, and tomorrow morning I will only inject one vial of Menopur. I did ask about my estradiol level today, and it is currently 2487. Last year on the eighth day of stimming, I was ready to trigger and my estradiol level was 3431. I obviously stimmed way too fast last time (with the microdose lupron protocol), so I’m thrilled to see the huge difference in my estradiol level. I’m not sure what my estradiol level was on Tuesday when I last had my blood drawn, but apparently today’s result was a huge increase, and that’s why Dr. Surrey reduced my dosage by half.

We go back to CCRM in the morning for another monitoring session, and then we have our IVF cycle review. Tomorrow I plan to ask how close to trigger we are. Physically I am feeling perfect except for a little bit of pressure in the ovarian region. Last year my ovaries were huge (as a result of stimming too quickly), and they made the stimming process very uncomfortable. I’m amazed by how good I still feel eight days into stims, and I feel very fortunate to have few side effects. I am very impressed at how well Dr. Surrey has controlled my estradiol level, and I hope this difference will lead to some good-quality embryos!

Posted in Dosage instructions, Dr Surrey, IVF Take Two | 2 Comments »

Back in Stirrups

Posted by auntiem10 on September 30, 2010

This morning we headed in for another ultrasound at CCRM. Today is my eighth day of stims. I wasn’t very happy with the u/s tech today; she didn’t really share any details with me and rushed me right on out of there, ignoring my questions along the way. I mentioned to the nurse that I would appreciate a little more information, and she gave me the report that the nurses receive after the u/s. This document had way more detail.

My left ovary has 6-8 follicles, along with 3 smaller ones that probably won’t make the cut at retrieval. The six that were measured today were 16.5mm, 14.5mm, 14mm, 14mm, 13mm, and 13mm.

My right ovary has 8-12 follicles, with the leading six measuring at 17mm, 17mm, 16.5mm, 15mm, 15mm, and 13mm. Even though it doesn’t matter because we’re doing a freeze-all, my lining is 12mm with a triple stripe pattern. This is good to know for later, when we get closer to the transfer. Everyone seems universally pleased with how everything is going for us. I then had my blood drawn and will receive those results this afternoon.

Then my DH went downstairs to provide his back-up sample, and I headed to the other side of the main lobby to check in for my IVF physical. First they weighed me, and then I was asked about the medications I’m taking. My temperature and blood pressure were recorded, and lastly they pricked my finger to test my iron. Then a nurse practitioner came in and asked me a few more questions about my medical history and then gave me the pre-op instructions. The only appointment lasted about 15 minutes and was no big deal.

Finally, I met up with my DH and we checked in for the genetic counseling session. A counselor named Danielle met with us, and she was fabulous. She was very thorough in her explanation of the process, and she made us feel at ease by getting to know us a little. Their current success rate for euploidy (normal) embryos is in the high 70s/low 80s. She told us that based on their statistics and our age, we can expect about 50% of the fertilized embryos to become blasts, and about 50% of the blasts to be “normal.” Overall, she sounded very optimistic, although she did let us know the risks and the possibilities that things might not go our way. We signed about as much paperwork as we did when we bought our house, and then we were done. She was nice enough to write down a few restaurant recommendations and talked to us about our plans while we’re here. I loved her!

We’re now heading out to grab some lunch and explore downtown Denver. Later this evening, I’ll update with tonight’s dosage instructions. At least from the follicle measurements, it seems like I still have at least a few days to go before triggering, but we’ll see what Dr. Surrey thinks! My calendar lists Saturday as the tentative trigger date, so we’ll see if that sticks. More later!

Posted in Chromosome Testing (CCS), Follicle Scans, IVF Take Two, Testing | 5 Comments »